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Old September 2nd, 2005, 02:39 PM

Exan Exan is offline
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Default Floating point error

I know this question has been most likely asked before but I'll ask it again. What can cause Invalid Floating Point Error. That error message just doesn't tell me anything.

Since it started occuring after I had messed with the Main_Enemies.txt file I figured that it had something to do with that. Upon closer inspection I noticed that I had neutral ships that use Medium Range Weapons weapons preference but there's no such description on their racial entry. I add 1 and Longe Range Weapons too but this doesn't fix the error. I also double checked them all plus the Main_EnemyAppearances.txt and Main_EnemyGroups.txt but found no clear errors there.

And since the Invalid Floating Point Error only occurs in Neutral systems I figure it has something to do with neutral ships.

Can someone help me on this? It will greatly help the release of revision 0.3.0 of TPM
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