Thread: 1st Corps CTZ
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Old July 15th, 2005, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: 1st Corps CTZ

APCs (m113,m551)

Dry season: Movement for APCs is basically the same as for tanks, no more no less. Average speed is 10-12 KM per hour in the coastal lowlands and 1-2 KM per hour in the mountain region.

Wet season: movement is nearly the same as in the dry season. The low ground pressure of these vehicles and the fact that they can swim enable them to crossmost of the coastal lowlands region with an average speed of 4-5 KM per hour. In the highland mountains region, movement is nearly impossible.


Dry season: Movement is unrestricted durimg this season in the coastal lowlands. The combination of rock covered slopes and dense vegetation in the highlands, restrict movement generally to trails and stream valleys. Average speed in the highlands is .2-.5 KM per hour and 2-3 KM per hour in the lowlands.

Wet season: Movement during this season is difficult in the lowlands due to soft soil and inundated area, so the average speed is reduced to 1-2 KM per hour. In the highland the average speed is less than .2 KM per hour.

Air movement

The steep mountanious terrain and the limited road net in the 1st corp area, make air movement a must for conducting military operations. Helicopters are the most effective means of movement in the highland mountain region throughout the year especially during wet season when valleys and passes become inundated. They are very useful during the rainy season specially after the early morning fog and after low cloud cover has dissipated. In the coastal lowlands are present many flat areas free of vegetation, providing perfect landing site throughout the year. Air movement in this region is not as vital as in the highlands because this area is also good for tanks and APCs.

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