I'll switch to AI this evening, but I agree with Jurri that the giants stand no chance against Ermor.
This is why I feel I can give a bit of my side.
I agree with Jurri on his other observations as well.
I tried first a strategy of conquest agains him. It was very costly to my armies because of supply issues and my gains very negligeble. Ermor would just hide a few hundred undead behind the castle walls while my beseiging troops starved outside. In addition Ermor constantly projected 4-6 GRs per turn on my armies.
Then I started building supply items but the globals started taking their toll on my econ.
So I switched strategy. Let Ermor keep his useless (to me) lands. I will concentrate on dispelling his globals and assisanating his army leaders while building a hoard econ and aiming for wish.
But, because I didn't clam hoard untill the late game, I had little astral income. Possibly lower then Ermor's. Too little to keep up with him on the globals front.
The utterdark was the killer though. I was forging 1-2 clams per turn and had a growing income of astral (20 when I quit). If not for utterdark I would have reached an income of 30-35 astral in ten turns. meaning I could dispel at least one global per turn. And later get to wish...
The burden of time hurt my economy just a little. Not enough to cause my surrender.
Utterdark lasting a few turns was clearly devastating.
Ironically the utterdark came at the same turn I assassinated Ermor's pretender
Jurri, you are right about Ermor's momentum but it doesn't take anything away from your strategy.
Had you done things differently the outcome might have been different.
For example If you had confronted my armies in the open After Van turned AI. Instead you chose to hide in your castles and let attrition and your globals wear me down.
You used your death gems wisely.
All in all it was a very interesting game for me. Actually one of the best MP games. I learnt a lot and enjoyed every moment of it.
I've kept a fair amount of Pythium turns.
I can upload them if there's interest.
They show the story of the downfall of a great Pythium empire to the relentless undead hordes of Ermor.