Atrocities said:
I am just ticked about them turning Amanda Tapping from scientist to sex symbol. Oh don't get me wrong, she is an attractive women, but changing her character so late in the game is nothing more than a Seven Of Nine Hollywood political sexist tactic.
Seconded! I'm looking forward to it to be honest, It won't be the same SG1 we know and love without RDA, but after watching Farscape i'm impressed by Ben Bowder and his character concept sounds good! When I say concept I mean the fact he's just a generic soldier with no alien/weird/kewl powers.
As for Amanda Tapping turning into a "sex-symbol" point i Have to agree with your views. But considering the long drawn out Jack/Carter relationship, and the fact he's technically a civillian now, hopefully means they get together and they don't have Carter turning into a female "Captain Kirk"