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Old June 26th, 2005, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: Question about helos

WBWilder said:
I think increasing your morale and experience might help. To be honest, most helos would avoid fire. They will get close in but not too close.

It would be foolhardy for a chopper to come right on top of the enemy and yes, a rifle bullet well placed can bring down a chopper.

I think caution on the part of the pilots is a wise thing.
We want realism in this game and I believe that this approach is the more realistic.

Wild Bill
We put this mod in some time ago.

in the original SP system things like Vietnam scenarios were a cake-walk for the human player as enemy riflemen could do nothing against helicopters overflying thier hex. hidden ambushers were simply to be found by buying a couple of helos and methodically flying over the map. Even snipers were easy to find, if you passed the helicopter over the hex 2-3 times it would spot the hidden duug-in sniper.

In reality, if an enemy helo comes close, it will get a burst of AK fire. So - now troops will blast at close-by enemy helicopters. (See blackhawk down for an example).

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