Thread: Empty slots???
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 03:40 AM
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Default Re: Empty slots???

Mobhack said:
The national flags will appear and disappear (or change) as your battle date changes in the battle set-up screens. Therefore all nations are not always available for selection. For example Mozambique 9/1974 12/2020, so the flag will not display before 9/1974. I presume this is what you mean by "Empty Slots"?.
Looks pretty well that this has been fixed over the DOS version, where you had a marvellous exploit ability by changing the dates AFTER selecting the countries and the game didn't care.

But if I may ask a single question:
What if someone wants to alter country dates for some purpose? I know we already talked about this on the old list and the answer was firmly negative, but how will it go in the Windows version?
In other words, does more stability always lead to less liberty?

Sorry for the philosophy, but I will soon enough come across this problem


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