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Old May 29th, 2005, 11:43 AM
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Cainehill Cainehill is offline
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Default Re: Blitz games this weekend

It'll be at something like 1800 GMT, which is like 1400 (2 PM) EST, or 11:00 am PST / California.

To line up for the game, you'll need an IRC client ( MIRC, Pirch, irc2, Virc, etc ), and it appears that we'll be gathering on the gamesurge irc network as usual, since it seems to be having no problems today.

Games are run using Zen's Conceptual Balance mods :

Spells 1.8
Scales 1.2
Pretenders 2.2
Items 1.0

(Those mods should be saved in your "Dominions2/mods" directory, whereever that is, and enabled via the Mods menu before creating your pretender.)

Then once the game is ready to start, you simply click the "Network / "Connect to a Dominions Server" options and enter the IP address and port number, which will be given to you.

Generally speaking, it's best to be prepared for a 4-5 hour gaming session.
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.
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