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Old February 17th, 2005, 08:44 AM
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Default OT: Sci-Fi Founders

Forbidden Planet - Star Trek

I recently watched the movie the Forbidden Planet and I have to say that the similarities between this movie and Star Trek are too numerous to list. I was amazed at the quality of the movie, the look, the feel, and the technology that they used in the movie. For a movie that is over 40 years old, it is actually quite good.

I loved the story and how the ID, now I know where ID Software got its name, played an intelligent part of the movie. I can see where Gene R. got his idea for Star Trek, including the NCC number 1701. (Listen to the beginning of the movie, the helmsmen mentions it.)

Leslie Nelson (sp) did a very good job in the movie, and the actor Walter P. has one of those voices that you wish you simply bottled up and use whenever you need a quality voice over.

I really liked the movie, and am just amazed at how much of an influence the movie had on Star Trek.

Dune - Star Wars

As I listen to the Dune series on audio cd, I can see where Lucas got his ideas for Star Wars. Again the comparisons are too many to list.

The idea of the Jedi are closely match to the Freemon or rather the being that Paul�s is transformed into. The training of the wereding way can be used as the road map to the training a Jedi as they learn to use the force.

The Empire is young, but the republic for which gave it birth is vastly old.

Dune was clearly Lucas's inspiration for Star Wars.

Lord Of The Rings = Babylon 5.

I have said this before and made this comparison many times. B5 is a lot like LOTR in subtle ways that cannot be ignored. I know that it is an old discussion, but I could not find the link.

I find it inspiring to know that some of the greatest Sci-Fi franchises found their birth based on other great sci-fi works.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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