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Old January 9th, 2005, 05:49 PM
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Jack Simth Jack Simth is offline
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Default Re: OT: Boardwars Anyone interested?

So rules-wise you're basically talking something along the lines of "The d20 SRD starting at ECL 15 (105,000 exp); base stats must average 10, but full retroactive modifiers apply (thus, in addition to the average of 10 for base, you have an additional 5 points to distribute from "leveling up" through your initial 15 levels ... if you don't use a template that deplets your class level any). You can roll any numers you like, but if your average for a particular die-type diverges too much from the expected average for that die type, the Game Master will apply a penalty. Magic items may be pre-purchased at an EXP cost equal to twice that of the EXP cost to create the item in-game if you do not meet the item's pre-requisites, or equal to the EXP cost to create the item in-game if you do meet the item's pre-requisites," correct?
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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