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Old September 25th, 2004, 08:54 PM
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Default Re: Some ideas: raiding, seiging, spell AI and mor

Soapyfrog said:
You are simply being glib at this point.
No, I'm simply reporting game experience.

So far I every game I have been in has been essentially decided on the issue of hording (clams or soul contracts) save for one, where clamming was not allowed...
You've misidentified the cause. The cause was not hording of those items. It was the diplomacy that allowed those players to sit there in absolute peace and grow with no interruptions.

On medium to large maps which are my preference (as I like a long game with lots of maneuver), when I horde I do well, when I dont I lose. That is as far as it goes.
Then, like I said, you must be playing games where everybody sits there and stares at each other for most of the game.

Maybe you have a different experience. It's possible. More likely you just horde along with everyone else...
How would that be relevant, even if it were true?
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