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Old September 9th, 2004, 04:04 AM
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Default Re: Is Ermor still broken for the AI?

Yuo don't want the AI to play Ermor because two of the themes have economies based on autosummoning of weak undead. If the AI uses default Ermor there is no problem, but otherwise ther might be.

Undead Ermor might amass troops if they do not have enough commanders. Logistics is a problem for undead Ermor, especially if beaten in big battles. Mages are often used in research and priests to reanimate. Ordinary commanders are scarce.

The AI is not good at defending vs hordes of weak undead. If at war with Ermor the AI will spend additional money on priests, but it is not clever enough to make specific strategies vs undead. It will never try to quickly research combinations such as solar brilliance and gift of health to be able to bLast undead and keep troops with sight. It is basically stuck with the single strategy of recruiting priests, and that in itself is not enough to stop the undead hordes.
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