Thread: Navia Dratp
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Old August 1st, 2004, 03:29 AM

Cheezeninja Cheezeninja is offline
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Default Re: Navia Dratp

meh. I was a huge fan of MtG when it first came into popularity, but it eventually turned into more an exercise in rule engineering than a fun activity because they kept (and still are) putting out expansion after expansion with new rules and cards that were 90% worthless and 10% so good as to make previous card combinations pale in comparison. It is no longer a fun and unique hobby, its simply a commercialized attempt to get you hooked and then force you to spend amounts of money to upgrade your collection every 8 months.

The same goes for Mage Knight, it just happened quicker.

And while this game looks pretty interesting on the face of it, the only 2 real possibilites for its future are either success and over expansion and commercialization, or failure and eventual retirement to the dusty shoebox under your bed.

No more CCG's for me. The only tabletop games i can still get into are the classics, or the games workshop games which at least enable you to pick and choose your forces instead of buy mass quantities and hope for the 1 card/model you need.
Oh, and drinking games, of course.
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