Thread: Tuatha endgame
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Old July 25th, 2004, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Tuatha endgame

Originally posted by alexi:
running early into caelum could be problematic but not much else . i guess caelum is early game problematic for almost every nation .
caelum is problematic? why? [/QB]
cause caelum has a strategic move advantage .

Originally posted by Thufir:
Originally posted by Boron:
i think order 3 , luck 3 , sloth 3 , cold 3 , death 3 and magic 3 are nice for man Last of tuatha . castle watchtower .
I don't understand combining order 3/luck 3 - that seems inefficient to me. In my (albeit limited) SP experience playing Tsien Chi, Luck 3 combined very nicely with order -1. You do need a bunch of provinces in your dominion before you really see the benefits kicking in, but once you get 10+ (or ideally 30+) provinces the good luck events just start rolling in.

Conversely, as Jasper points out, with order 3, it would seem like you could afford negative luck.

uargh i meant turmoil 3 i shouldn't post anymore at 2.00+ in the morning . you make to easy faults then ^^.
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