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Old July 22nd, 2004, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Help, read all the faqs, playing demo, dont know how to PLAY...

Originally posted by Gandalf Parker:
For those reasons and many others Jotun seems to work well if you use the giants for close to the capital or support/backup (like a few giants likely mixed into a squad of other troops). Then count on provincial troops and mercs to do most of your fighting (in my humble opinion)
Other (non-national) troops that Jotun may hire (except mercs) tend to be decidedly inferior and not worth it on a bang-fer-buck basis. A different strategy that conserves Jotuns as the 'elite' backbone of an army is to use summoned creatures for fodder (I like Vine Ogres for this, as well as Bane Lords for SCs), and save your gold/resources strictly for Jotuns. Works for me. But, of course, there are many ways to win, and whatever one feels comfortable with is fine.
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