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Old July 17th, 2004, 12:42 AM

Ice_Sickle Ice_Sickle is offline
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Default Death Knight Army

I'm in the late stages of a Mictlan game and fell in love with Death Knights which I'm having my Father Illearth summon. I'm trying to figure out ways to get a bunch of casters summoning those guys and am having a rough time.

There aren't a lot of 2E 2B mages out there. Obviously a pretender can do it and the Father Illearth (which is unique).

Every nation can summon fallen angles and earth empower them and then give them some earth boots (can do this with any blood mage of any nation as well).

Or go the other route which probably makes more sense and get an earth mage and blood empower them and then give them a robe of thorns or something.

Machkaka's Black Sorceress has 2E and a ? so get a B there an you are home free. But having no good flow of blood mages rounding up a healthy supply of slaves might be a problem.

Ulm has both the E and the B but in different places. Round up some blood to empower the smiths and off you go.

So that's what I've come up with. Any other ideas?
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