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Old July 16th, 2004, 07:20 PM

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Default Re: How do you use the Prince of Death for very early game expansion?

Originally posted by Demosthenes:
How can you use a PoD effectively as an early combatant taking only Death? Or Maybe with One auxillary path. But staying within the roleplay/theme of the character and not just trying to amalgamize him into the archetypal SC. You know stuff that's fun and has flavor.

Thanks. I love this forum.
A personal favorite PoD is one with 4+ in Death and 3+ in Air (depending on what you are doing).

Personal expansion for him depends greatly on what initial equipment you can make. If you can make either A.) Ice Swords B.) Black Steel Armor he can be used for a fast expander.

If you don't have either of those, but have a starting spell (ala Terror, Raise Skeletons) you can also make a fast expander.

With this type of PoD you can choose one of two research paths.

Alt 2-3 (Mine is usually Turn 4 but depending on nation/scales)
Evo 2

Air Shield, Resist Lightning, Mirror Image (Mistform), Shock Wave.


Alt 2
Enc 3

Air Shield, Resist Lighting, Mirror Image, Raise Skeletons

With Terror: Turn 2 Expander.

Enc 1

Air Shield, Raise Skeleton, Terror, Raise Skeleton, Terror

With Raise Skeletons: Turn 2 Expander.
Air Shield, Raise Skeletons x4

Pretty simple, but very effective. I personaly don't use a PoD for "SC" role until I can get him some decent MR. But I will use him as a mass fearer/combat caster much earlier.
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