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Old July 16th, 2004, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: Problem master slave

Originally posted by VALENT:
i don't understand how function master slave and the other slave to upgrade one mage during combat.does i have to script the 3 mages , one master and the 2 others slave at the time of the scripts during the combat? one mage first round slave,the 2 mage the second round slave, and the 3mage the 3 round master?or another sense? ( i'm french for the language!!!)
does ihave to have some artefacts obigatory to upgrade or not necesseraly?the 3 mages have to be near from each other in the recruit army in the combat?
if somebody can help me .i don't arrive to upgrade my mage 2 astral and 2 mages 1 asral in the same combat.
Actually, it is very uncomplicated. There are many threads on these Boards which will give you many details of this process, but here is all you really need to know:
- You must script your slaves "communication slave"
- You must script your master "communication master".
The *ONLY* requirement is that these mages be capable of casting these spells -- distance, timing, etc. is not important.
As soon as all of the people involved have cast the appropriate spells, your master will have his paths boosted. (This will take effect immediately, and you can use it in the next combat round.)
So basically, in round one, if you set all your slaves scripted to "slave" and your master(s) to "master", your master will be ready and boosted to the maximum in round 2.
No artifacts are necessary.
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