Thread: Orcish Empire
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Old July 18th, 2004, 01:27 AM

weiSsi weiSsi is offline
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Default Re: Orcish Empire

hi folks, thanks for ur replies. the thing was, i wanted to change almost every race into dwarves, elves, humans and so on... with changing independents too. but after developing the orcs, i hadnt enough time for going on. i have 2 weeks of university left, then i have vacation for 2 month... so i think in that time i will do some more stuff.
The thing was, that i never wanted to fight against the other races originally in dominions 2
some things u mentioned i just forgot to implement or just werent even possible in Version 2.08 ... if someone of u has some time and fells like doing it, he could change the stats to a "realistic" scale compared to the other nations, so u could mix them.
see u all
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