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Old April 30th, 2004, 08:35 PM

Huzurdaddi Huzurdaddi is offline
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Default Re: An intial try at a Pythium strategy guide

Ah ok. My ratio is much higher. I usually am like 8 to 1 or so.
My build usually includes a *Wizard Tower*. I often just crank out tons and tons of Communicants.
Holy bejesus. That is a lot. How long does it take to get up to this stage? What turn do you have this going on? It sounds like it could be pretty darn powerful! Getting 16 Communicants ) or jeeze 32 ) into an army with 4 or so casters would be hugely powerful I can't even think of what kind of devestation you could inflict on your enemies.

I had TONS of Communicants ferry troops to the front line, and when they had nothing to do, the would blood hunt.
Holy cats. Given their super low maintainance cost that would have been very efficient. Pythium with blood. It's too insane for words! Nice job. Thank gosh it got nerfed. And here I was using scouts like a retard ( at least before 2.11 ).
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