Re: What new random events would you like to see?
Order scale
"Your growing reputation as a just and fair ruler have made serfs all around your empire to migrate to your capital. The local nobility is outraged but powerless to stop the pilgrimage."
5% of the population from each province under your control is relocated to your starting province. Unreast increases by 5 everywhere.
Turmoil scale
"After an unusally bloody feud between two noble houses both are left completely stripped of heirs, vassals and leaders. As is the law under your rule control of these rouge houses, their men-at-arms and treasures passes on to you."
Unrest in a province is boosted by 100 but you gain 2 local commanders, 50 local troops and 500 gold.
Productivity scale
"You have sponsored a great guild festival to be held in your capital. Master craftsmen from all over your empire gather to compete for the title of Grandmaster. After witnessing display after display of incredible inventions, masterful sculptures and astounding works of art you finally decide who is most worthy. Our of gratefulness the new Grandmaster craftsman presents his masterwork to you as a gift."
Loose 500 gold but gain random construction 6 item or magical mindless unit turned commander.
Sloth scale
"You awaken one day only to find that you and all your subjects have been asleep for a whole week. Much have fallen into disorder and ruin during this time but stranger still is that everyone seems to have had the same dream. A dream were you become the one true god over the whole realm. Faith reaches an all time high as your priests proclaim that the vision is a prophecy of things to come." Nothing is produced this turn, unrest increases by 10 but dominion increases by three in all your provinces.
Heat scale
"After a particularly dry season an unstoppable fire of mysterious origin rages trough your lands. After the flames have burned themself out much have fallen into ruin and chaos. Your mages eventually track down the source of the fire to an old and broken gateway to the blazing reaches of Muspelheim. After destroying the gate they find that it is carved out of a single enormous firegem."
Loose 1/8 of population in all provinces, unrest to 40 but gain 120 firegems.
Cold scale
"After surving the coldest and most violent blizzard in living memory survivors tell tales about being visited by the spirits of their ancestors during this time. You immediatly order an expedition to the region as you suspect what has happened. And indeed your mages find a crude gateway to the frozen realm of Helheim, land of the dead. Reaching into the gate with your divine powers you manage to wrest one of your nations fallen heroes from deaths grasp. The gate then crumbles into dust however." One dead hero of your nation is returned alive, afflictionless and with all experience intact. Loose 1/4 population in the province.
Growth scale
"The bountiful lands under your rule attract many great beasts from afar. Much chaos and death is caused by their rampage. You are eventually forced to sacrifice much of your divine strength to bind them to your will."
Loose three dominion in all lands. Loose 1/8 population and gain 15 unrest. Gain 15 random units (use transformation chart) in every province.
Death scale
"Your rule stirs the wrath of an forgotten god of nature. You are beset by a great horde of monsters made from vines and old bones. Sacrificing your divine might you manage to wrest control of half their numbers away from the minor diety right before they descend on your capital." 100 carrion woods undead units and 4 commanders of great power invade your capital province. 100 more units appear in a nearby province under your control. Loose four dominion strength in all provinces.
Magic scale
"During a cataclysmic surge of raw magical energy x number of units are transformed into other creatures". 10-20 randomly selected units in the province are affected (even a pretender). Roll on transformation chart for each.
Drain scale
"People in the province stop beliving in magic devastating their faith in you. On the plus side there is surge of new ideas, inventions and trade with foreign nations as your influence falls." Dominion in province turns to -10. Gain 30 completely random nonmagical units and 3 noncaster commanders.
As you can tell I'm a fan of events that are both good and bad at the same time.
[ March 16, 2004, 13:05: Message edited by: Wauthan ]