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Old March 16th, 2004, 08:46 AM

Leif_- Leif_- is offline
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Default What new random events would you like to see?

Just a few suggestions. (Not all of them are entiiiiirely serious... Okay, so none of them are really all that serious.)

(Winter-time only)
Overcome with the yule-time spirit, your tax-collectors have given away much of the taxes they've collected (and not to you.) Gathered taxes reduced with 100 gold. On the up side, someone left a magic item in your stockings.

(Positive growth only)
At a recent religeous festival, someone spiked the wine with Spanish fly. The population in the province increased with 5%.

(Only if more than 10 gems of an elemental type in your laboratory)
A number of magic gems in your laboratory spontaneously combined to form a creature of pure elemental magic. Swelling up to enormous proportions, it was just about to consume the laboratory and all in it, when it spotted an apprentice mage who was hiding behind a cupboard. The creature paused, then ambled over to the apprentice and said "Mama?" (You get an appropriate elemental)

(Luck +3, Magic +3)
A leprachaun has been caught in a trap. In exchange for his freedom, he gives you a Wish.

(Negative order)
The local TV station has broken down, and left the people without evening entertainment. Population has increased with 10%, and so has unrest.

(Positive magic, province must have a lab)
A local alchemist has actually found the Philosopher's Stone and manages to produce 200 gold, before he is assassinated by a South-African mining company.

(Positive magic, forest regions)
A wandering nymph is spotted as she bathes in a moon-lit pond. Many of your soldiers are struck blind and several have started to grow hair on the inside of their palms. (3d6 random soldiers are given the "lost both eyes" affliction, 2d6 random soldiers are turned into werewolves.)

A mighty dragon has ravaged the land. 5% of the population has died, the province lost 50% of its supply points this turn and the sale of fantasy books have plummeted.

(Negative order)
A local dungeon has been forced to forclose due to a lack of bold adventurers. Some of the sacked monsters have formed bandit gangs that are terrorizing the contryside, but others have approached you for new employment. (Increased unrest, but gives you the opportunitiy to hire a cheap mercenary company)

(Negative production)
A travelling salesman has been selling copies of Dominions II: the Ascenscion War throughout the province. Production has plummeted. (-75% production.)

So, anyone got any other suggestions - serious or not?

[ March 16, 2004, 06:47: Message edited by: Leif_- ]
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]
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