Thread: Icons
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Old March 15th, 2004, 07:45 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Icons

Originally posted by DeathDaemon:
So my unit has a base attack of 12. I give 2 weapons with +1 attack, 2 length. According to text, I should lose 4 attack due to length. So that means I'm a -2 using those weapons. But both attacks are actually 3 less then the base attack. Does that mean a -1 ambidexterity penalty? the -3 was consistent across my god, normal human leader, and a scout. Do I have this right or am I missing something?
You're missing something.

The attack penalty of wielding two weapons is equal to the sum of the lengths of both weapons.

So you lose 2+2 = 4 attack for two length-2 weapons.

That means *EACH* attack is at -4, base. However, EACH of your weapons is +1 attack. This is NOT cumulative, however, and is applied only to each attack with that weapon.

So that means each attack is performed at -3: -4 for a pair of length 2 weapons, +1 for your weapon being +1 to attack.

Ambidexterity basically just reduces the length of the weapons for the purposes of this calculation. An ambidexterity-3 unit can wield weapons of length 3 without penalty.

[ March 15, 2004, 05:46: Message edited by: Norfleet ]
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