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Old March 9th, 2004, 11:12 AM
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tinkthank tinkthank is offline
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Default "Attack Rearmost"

Has anyone besides myself felt that giving the order "attack rear" (or: hold and attack: rear) often (but not always) results in the commander (or troops, but mainly I am thinking of the commander after having lost a SC or two) not holding and attacking the enemy at the back (usually, at least vs the AI: casters and commanders, which is what I want him to attack) but rather the back of the first squadron of enemy attackers. Is this intentional? What is especially bizarre IMHO: After losing an assassin or two to a simple skeleton-summoning mage and his bodyguards, I explicitly told my assassin to "attack rear", but even when the way is open to the mage (I put the assassin on the side), he will always beeline for the skeletons, who are in front of the mage, instead of going for the rear. Is this also intentional?
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