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Old January 29th, 2004, 08:34 AM
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Default Re: Affliction record?

My most afflicted is Popocatepetl the Mictlan Priest, who is up to eleven afflictions, and counting. He also has a horror mark, and a soul contract that is his only reason to live. That contract is providing the backbone of my army, at the expense of poor terrified Popocatepetl, who lurks quivering and blind in my home fortress, dreading the arrival of the almost inevitable day when his afflictions, or a horror, carry his soul away to the underworld.

His story is that he was diseased by miasmatic dominion, shortly after the previous bearer of the soul contract was killed in a surprise attack. Popocatepetl found the soul contract and undersigned it, for which the loyal followers of Gurgelor, my pretender, are enormously indebted and grateful. However, it also necessitated keeping him alive, both for the wages of the soul contract, and for Popocatepetl's sake, to postpone his payment of the ultimate price. The best we have yet been able to do to keep him alive has been to give him a ring of regeneration, which keeps his health stable at 8, but which has slowly been accumulating afflictions for him, which now list as follows:

lost one eye
lost the other eye as well
never healing wound
battle fright
feeble minded
lost an arm

and not technically an affliction, but also, the horror mark.

Edit: spelling errors - "bling" etc.

[ January 29, 2004, 17:45: Message edited by: PvK ]
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