Thread: Iron Faith Ulm
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 09:04 PM

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Default Re: Iron Faith Ulm

Ywl, some thoughts about yours
1/ I agree, the random pick makes the difference between standard, rigid Ulm and a much more versatile Ulm IF
2/ I disagree on this one : as I've said I'm playing Ulm currently in MP with a RB, and did expand at the same rate than others- except one nasty Abysian SC (and played by Pocus !)
The standard Ulmish troops, with some Guardians for morale, some extra-ulmish archers, a merc band and a couple mages are enough.
3/ Maybe, I think that my first tries were disappointments because I played IF as if it was standard Ulm - big mistake undoubtly ! However I can't find any incentive for playing IF...
4/ Yes, I even think that Magic 0+ is a good idea with IF
5/ Ok too, you can't build a MP game around a dozen of Templars avoiding casualties ...
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