Re: Iron Faith Ulm
The only reason to take IF is if the player is looking to exploit the Templars. Otherwise I would advise taking basic Ulm.
On the assumption that we are taking IF in order to exploit the Templars, then we need to make a pretender that can boost them via blessing effect. If you are looking for a rainbow pretender... I suggest going back to basic Ulm.
For a pretender that has some synergy with Ulm and provides good blessing effects I recommend the Great Mother.
Great Mother
Earth - 6
Nature - 6
Order-3 Prod-2 Grow-2 Misf-3 Drain-3
Wizards Tower (ulm needs production)
The Great Mother can start the game following the troops and casting Legions of Steel. Later on once you get her some magic items, she can become a very potent combatant. In the meantime your Templars (when blessed) get some nice boosts.