Thread: Iron Faith Ulm
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Old December 18th, 2003, 10:27 PM

SurvivalistMerc SurvivalistMerc is offline
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Default Iron Faith Ulm

I would love to know the strategies others have used with Ulm Iron Faith as it is my next project.

My pretender is a lich with earth-4, death-4, air-4, and fire-4. Order 3, misfortune 3. (Yes...I like this combination though I know some of you don't.) Growth 0, Productivity 2, Drain 3. Dominion 4. I wanted a castle but could only afford a fortress.

My thoughts: I need to find fire gems for those research lanterns, and that might not happen at fire-1 for my default inquisitors. I was hesitant in taking the drain dominion but found that it helped produce points and...well...since I stink at would be nice if everyone else got extra fatigue while invading me.

Having a lich will let my pretender participate in combat virtually risk-free. I might need him since I otherwise don't really have a mage I can count on. With 4 earth, I'm immune to that air spell that sucks you into enemy domain to be killed.

The magic picks are strong enough to have bless effects, which I thought would be useful to have since you have bless units with iron faith. They are based around my need for research (finding death and fire gems for skull mentors and those research lanterns) and having some offensive magic... I think I can get hyperaccurate blade wind (air for eyes of aiming) and earth is necessary since my inquisitors are earth-1. I can get one of them to the point of making earth boots by making the first pair with my pretender and then empowering an inquisitor to earth-2. Wearing the boots made by my pretender, he can forge more.

I'd love to know what other folks have done to make Iron Faith Ulm work. And how they dealt with the absence of decent researchers and extremely low magic skills.
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