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Old September 24th, 2003, 01:56 AM

Posts: n/a
Default New spells / items ?

Hi there,

Reading the Dom2progress page, I've the feeling that you changed a lot of units (esp. pretenders).

Do you know if the list of spells and items will also change a lot in Dom2 ?

And do you plan to make more "national" items like the Black Laurel (Ermor) and the Jade Mask (Ctis) ? IMHO this gives more spice to the game - Ulm for exemple could be much more attractive if it was the only nation able to forge, say, charcoal shields...

I played Dom1 for months, and I still cannot see any practical interest in some (very few) items/spells.
Did someone found some real interest in the uncommon Slave Collar, Shroud of the battle saint, Stone Sword (how could you protect yourself vs petrification ?), Sandals of the crane. Blink ? Holy Avenger & Smite ?
I dont say that they should be removed from the game, simply I cannot see any good combo.

I know that a twisted mind could place a cursed slave collar on a weak unprotected infantry commander, hoping that he'll die in battle and that an important unlucky enemy will find it after the battle and block one of his own misc slot. Something _really_ useful beside that ?

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