Damn, I'm impressed. This open a whole new window of playing style, where a player could perhaps rely mostly on leaders as his main strike force, with whinny troops (anything affordable really, like foul spawns) just so that the giants dont get mobbed by the enemy.
In practice, you can play with only super combattants. A vine shield would discourage mobbing for example. The possibilities are again 'exponentiated' with this original theme.
congrats to the dev team. Here again they surprise us nicely.
More specifically Daynarr, it reminds me of the description of the Illwinter spell, the one where it is said that the old big big giants, Ritumsar (I think, I'm not well versed in northern mythos) return, bringing with them frost and blizzards.
Can it be that there is something more about this in Doms II ? But I'm perhaps dreaming awake