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Old February 17th, 2004, 01:56 PM

Vortex Vortex is offline
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Default Re: Will someone develop a mod to stop ship from exploding on crashes?

Originally posted by PaladinX:
I often sit still and spin around in place (With my nifty maneuvering thrusters) so that I can unload all my weapons into the enemy. If I've built my ship right, by the time I come around to the forward arc again, my weapons have cycled and are ready to fire again
It'd be a lot easier to spin if Aaron fixed to 'over turn bounce back bug' [ for those who don't know this is where you keep the left or right turn key depressed and it detects your turning greater than 180 degrees and turns you the opposite way]. Also an auto-spin key would be useful- makes taking out starbases easier - sit at 142ls fring first your twin forward and then twin rear plasma torpedoes. With Xiati bases you don't even need to do this. Sit at 82ls and pound it with Tachyon beams (or when you get then Disrupter beams) and torpedos.
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