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Old January 29th, 2004, 03:05 AM

Vortex Vortex is offline
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Default New Patch - Lack of Testing

Well I'll say one thing for the new patch. It completely screws playability.

Shame you didn't test the interaction between the AI, Pirate Weapons Load, and Pirate Tactics.

Scenario - You jump through a warp point. Waiting for you are 4 pirate cruisers and 3 destroyers.

Three of the cruisers have their usual compliment of weapons - 3 iconic pulse missiles, 4 anti-proton beans, 1 point defence cannon, and their usual ability to shoot down ALL incoming missiles fired from greater than 20ls - I wish I hand that ability.

So there you are in your battleship with 3 pulse missiles, 3 tachyon cannons, 2 High eneryg magnifiers, weapons damper, and 2 point defense cannons.

The fight is initially rather quick and you dispatch the 1 cruiser and 3 desrtoyers - because they bother to come closer than 160ls to attack you.

By now you can't go anywhere even should you want to because the consistant hits of those Iconic missiles from the other cruisers means your engines don't work. Oh and the cruisers now don't come closer than 110ls, and they always fire the missiles in 3's, and since they have point defense cannons your missiles are useless, and so there you sit with your phased shields at 100% and your armour at 100%, unable to do anything, except wait for the intervention of a passing friendly cruiser.

Well it took me 1.5 hours real time to get out of this one. Either revoke the iconic missile fix, or sort out the pirate weapons load - how about making them obey the same space and enery rules that player ships have to, or make point defense cannon work properly for player ships.

I'm not sure whether I'm going to bother playing any further.
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