Thread: Demo Difficulty
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Old January 15th, 2004, 05:19 AM

Otter Otter is offline
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Default Re: Demo Difficulty

Invest in the fastest engines you can. Speed will save you more that anything else early in the game. If the Space Dock doesn't have what you need, save the game and then restart. Look, mom, it's a whole new supermarket. Resist starting the game missions right away and build up some cash reserves. There comes a point in the game where you'll look forward to the fools pyling up, waiting to be killed.

Stragegy: look for clusters of ships after you've loaded up with with defensive computers and sensors. Pick one, stay on his rear, and keep bLasting. The others do not follow a coordinated attack. Better still if you can get one to chase you, the others will break off, and you can burn the rear end of the idiot until he's wacked. Repeat the process. I've taken out eight ships in quick order this way as long as you don't bump into any of them.
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