October 29th, 2002, 08:17 PM
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Re: The Marines Have Landed!
Originally posted by Psitticine:
It's very good, except for the fact the kneeling fellow looks like he's grabbing his buddy's kneecap. The fact the other guy is looking down in the that general direction makes it look like he's wondering why. You may want to adjust that arm just a touch, or alter the way the hand is posed.
LOL just doesn't come close... thyat's the hardest I've laughed at a post in quite awhile. You are RIGHT. It looks like the poiint man is just coming out of the gay closet and is buddy is wondering why. Too funny.
What did you think of the background color?
Currently designing Aftermath: Battles of the Apocalypse and Lock 'n Load: Unsung Heroes.