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Old October 21st, 2002, 04:37 PM
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Bamse Bamse is offline
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Default Newbie questions

After just looking at the map and counters, and glancing through the demo rules I realized I have to buy this game. (where's the drool smiley?)

* When will it be coming out?

* How fast can I get it (in Europe)?

* Any kind of supported PBEM or other network play?

* If designing own scenarios, what's the largest scale engagement which can be played with the counters in the game? Reinforced company? More?

*Is there expected to be an Online community designing custom scenarios (with 'events' and the works)

* How well does the 'impulse' system work in larger battles where there may be several separate firefights going on at the same time?

*Are firing units automatically spotted? Are firing snipers automatically spotted?

* Are helos modelled?

***Can I become a beta tester


--instant fanboy convert
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