Thread: Modding Help
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Old January 1st, 2004, 02:51 AM
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Default Modding Help

Hi. I�m a student that has limited recourses that deal with gaming and modding games. I only have the demo Version of Dungeon Odyssey, because I cant find, nor get it off the net.
I want to be a game developer and have been looking at the text files in Dungeon odyssey. I�ve tried to make my own mod...and failed in the first 5 mins. All I did was change the ModuleData.txt file. I changed the name and Description lines, just to see if I actually changed anything. And my computer glitches.
So, here i am, i ask for help from anyone that can aid me. (Btw, all I did was copy the data and tiles folders into a new folder)
Please help me, i want to peruse my goal of becoming a game developer, and I hope that Dungeon Odyssey might help me get a bit closer. Thank you.
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