April 28th, 2003, 11:25 AM
Join Date: Nov 2000
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Re: New Module: Hack and Slash (still in beta)
Originally posted by Rollo:
Is your new character also a Druid? It might be interesting for you to know (and for all other players for that matter) that there is a bug in DO with summoned monsters. The monsters that you summon to not attck monsters that are summoned by other foes.
Example: You face an enemy spellcaster. You summon a 20th level Fire Vortex and he summons a 5th level Rat. Both of you sit back to let your minions duke it out. But your Vortex will lose, since it will do nothing against the rat .
Yes I'm playing a druid again, good to know about this bug, I did lose a lot of pets against the golemns in the mine before reading this.
Good to hear that someone finally found the easter egg in the new Version . Glad you like the mod.
The "easter egg" looks great btw, looking forward to it's real implementation in the module :-)
[ April 28, 2003, 10:26: Message edited by: henk brouwer ]