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Old January 22nd, 2004, 07:51 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Mardagg is on a distinguished road
Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

Mardagg,the allmighty leader of the daemonic Abysian Nation,was not surprised as the news from the southern border reached him.
The first neighbour has been discovered,an official border has been established by the other pretender.
Rumors of a small but very strong army,lead by a powerful pretender,spread throughout the nation.
The people of Abysia only showed respect to the fiercest and strongest warriors.And this being the reason why Mardagg became their leader,the inhabitants now also showed respect to their new neighbour.
Therefore peace was an option,as long as the friend/enemy/neutral neigbour
would not dare to expand further to the north or,even worse,to the northwest.

The first bunch of provinces had been taken without a single loss,the military strength as well as the economy could be considered as very good,therefore Abysia would also be ready for war,if forced to.

**to my new neigbour:
my email is the one from AOL.
I would be very happy to get a mail from you,before its too late for diplomacy
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