Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
The Beginning of the Scouring (Part 2)
"Thus it was that in his ire Zenophon rose and left his citadel. The trickle of power flowing in the land did little to sate his thirst and he went abroad. The land cried out under his step and where his hand touched the earth bled. Far and wide did his travels take him.
Land after land he traveled. Behind him a mound of dead rose and his grip strengthened. Men, women and children fled his coming and his wrath was great as that power evaded him. Servants clothed in black found and spoke secret whispers within his ears of the natives that surrounded these lands. Many things did they speak and Zenophon grew pensive.
"Perhaps these others, these pretenders know of the land and it's places of power"
And so Messages were given, tied to the ribs of loyal couriers and delivered were his inquiries. Much was learned and it was in a land of pure and plenty that Zenophon recieved word of Suleiman. The loyal Judge had as directed marched on the lands surrounding the Black Citadel and too, found nothing of this power his Emperor had so desired. Plague followed each step of the evergrowing legion and captured painbearers spoke softly of the land and sea surrounding.
Ever watching the eyes of the Underworld turned towards Zenophon. Memories stirred and some wished to taste the power of the past with time unchained and canted the long oaths of loyalty and Zenophon was pleased."