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Old January 21st, 2004, 09:36 PM

atul atul is offline
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Default Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos

In the first weeks of His reign Commander of Truth surveyed the spreading of His worship with joy. Inhabitants of provinces all around the great city of Arcoscephale began worshipping Him and even the land reformed to His image. Yet there was a place nearby whose inhabitants hadn't seen the light. This must not be, decided Kasadye and set forth to enlighten the inhabitants of Kratas about the True God To Be.

Unlike others claiming the divine throne, Kasadye did not hide behind tall walls or in ancient forges. He was in the spearhead of the first of Arcoscephaelian conquests, and the world trembled before His might. As soon as the people of Kratas saw His true might they became one of the most fervent followers of the Teacher of Philosophy.

And the glorious victory was not left unnoticed by the world as a whole. Now Kasadye stands grandest among leaders of any fame and people inspired by His example flock to fight for Arcoscephale. One of the most noteworthy of these is Anthromachus the Hero, whose previous deeds are known thorought the land.

The first signs of foreign pretenders are seen, an omnious dominion spreading in the northern lands. As it is, the newly appointed prophet-priestess Anemoreia was assigned a squad of warriors and sent to investigare whether the nearby pretender was a dire threat.
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