Re: Making More Out Of SEIV
T-shirts and baseball caps, thats all I need. I mean, who wouldn't want a shirt with a Phong on it proclaiming 'Mineral Planets are best!' or a cap from the EEEvil Empire with the slogan accross the back 'i'm with EEEvil!'
[ October 22, 2003, 23:54: Message edited by: Deathstalker ]
We are all...the sum of our scars....(paraphrased) Matt. R. Stover-'Blade of Tyshalle'.
Human existance is all imagination...Reality is no more than a simple agreement among its participants that this is where we shall meet, and these are the rules that we shall abide by.- Kevin McCarthy/David Silva The Family:Special Effects..
Long Live the Legion!!-Comic book fandom...