Thread: Questions
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Old June 1st, 2002, 03:43 AM

Pak40 Pak40 is offline
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Default Re: Questions

Originally posted by Rich:
I don't think they're strange questions. I don't like cd copy protection and was wondering if this game has it. I like the game to come with a printed manual so I can read it and I like it to come in a box so I can put it on the shelf with the manual inside. And I would prefer going to the store instead of the mail. 101 was available in stores so I wondered about 82 also.

What I think is strange is I posted these questions more than a week ago and nobody from the company has bothered to respond. Since I am a multiple customer (War Machine and Runesword 2) I wonder about this lack of consideration.
Since you're a repeat customer, you should know that Shrapnel is not a big budget game developer. They develop niche games that don't create the revenue that the RTS and 3D games generate. Therefore, survival for them means to cut costs in some areas. Everything you're hoping for would mean that Shrapnel would lose money per unit sold.

If they sell it in stores, they don't make much money for each unit sold. If they design and produce a box, that's even more money lost. I have yet to see a Shrapnel game in a store, so don't count on it. Also, if it's not in stores then what's the point in making a box? If they don't use copy protection, that's even more money lost.

BTW, it will have a manual. It's on the website. Although it doesn't specifically say that it's a printed manual, I'll bet that it is.
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