Re: A thought on the Talisman / Live on Pay-Per-View: Geo vs. Fyron
What it does is take away the biggest advantage of large ships--the ability to far out-damage small ships. A BB can equal the damage of two LCs with less tonnage and lower cost. The big numbers also help 1) chew through emissive/crystalline armor effects, and 2) wear down enemy ships faster. Add the talisman, and it's even more uneven. This way, the BB would be more equivalent to the two LCs--it would probably even be 1 combat MP slower. It's almost like having a "big little" ship.
[edit]And if the weapons are the standard APB/PPB (which attenuate with range), a choice between 100% hit at max range/minimal damage and 60-70% hit at closer range/max damage/multiplied damage isn't so clear. It takes a lot of unmounted APB hits to destroy a BB.
[ July 12, 2003, 06:45: Message edited by: Krsqk ]
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." - Freefall