Thread: Intel Ideas
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Old April 9th, 2003, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: Intel Ideas

Originally posted by desdinova:
so lets complicate this question a bit further. lets say i have a level 1 ci running then gain level 2 ci. rather than waste those points gained in lvl 1 can i just add a level 2 and have the points cumulative until i complete the level 1 and drop it. i already know you can have multiple ci's running at the same time, but are the points cumulative or does it only use the first one, or the highest level one, etc.
The best thing to do is let the points accumulate into ci2 as each intel point is worth 2.4 ci's in ci2

If you put points into ci1, they will only be worth 1.2 ci1's.

If you leave the ci1 project at the end of the queue (far right), then the ci1's will be used up first and you will be left with ci2's. This of course requires the "divide points equally" to be off.

Having "divide points equally" on should also work if you are under a heavy intel attack, but will longer to use up the points in ci1. But you will not get the full benefit as some of the intel points will go into ci1.
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