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Old April 4th, 2003, 10:50 PM

Narrew Narrew is offline
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Default Re: is there a thread on proportions

One of the things I am wondering about, the HW starts out with a Resupply Base which is not needed, what do most of you replace it with (ie research). Right now in a solo game I have just been building Research I centers on my newly colonized planets (the cheapest thing to make).

In the doc for Proportions it mentions that once you get to 50 mil pop the build speed curve tapers off, do you get a planet to 50 mil then go to other planets and get them up to 50? or work on 1 planet till near max?

That brings me to my Last item, if you have a new planet that is 5 max facilities, I have made 4 Research centers, when would you start building a Settlement, right away regardless of pop, or until after you hit 50 mil or more (am wondering if the build time will adjust as you add more pop while something is building). Can you upgrade a Settlement to a Colonial Community? or should I just start building a Colonial Community (will take forever, hehe).

Thanks for your help
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