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Old March 2nd, 2003, 09:29 PM
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Default OT - VB Programing Question

Can any VB programers help me with this. In my SE4Modder program editing a System Type consumes large amounts of memory (lie over half on my 256MB system) The reason would seem to be the large number of combo boxes. For every system object 9 combo boxes get loaded. So for a stantard system of 12 system objects you'd have 108 combo boxes loaded. (the combo boxes are control arrays so there are only 9 unique names)

The question is, should this be expect to consume that much of the computers resourses? It seems to run fine in WinXP but causes problems in ME (and I presume earlier Versions)

I suspect maybe this is just a bad program design and I need to redesign the form using a grid control or something.

Edit: For my amazing math skills

[ March 03, 2003, 01:12: Message edited by: DavidG ]
SE4Modder ver 1.76
or for just the EXESE4Modder EXE Ver 1.76
SE4 Mod List
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