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Old March 1st, 2003, 06:06 AM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

Originally posted by oleg:
Yes, but the basic idea of the mod is a better challange for solo play You start as one human warrior and hostile forces of SEIV universe as long as you chose "team mode"

It is optional of course. If you do not select it, the game goes just like there were no changes in AI files ! (well, untill someone hits MEE)
In AI Campaign I wanted to address some AI issues in regards to better handling mine fields, point to point re-supply, faster ship training, sector scanning, Stellar manipulations, combating Plagues, Planetary weapons and resource colony selection and to help the AI better handle finite play so in the end the AI may be more challenging.
When I say "Optimized for Solitaire and Simultaneous play" this also means that Colonizers and Star liners are at the Lowest KT possible (AIC both under 110kt). So the AI won�t think the they are Destroyers, cruisers or even Base Ships and with the many Star liners and Colonizers that are built in a SE4 games and in regards to (score percentage) in AI Diplomacy with AIC it may be better represented.
In Version 1.78 and I still think it applies now as well in 1.84, when a ship is over 500 or is it 600 kt the AI won�t start to build it until after 49 turns has passed in a simultaneous, LAN, or IP game.

[ March 01, 2003, 04:51: Message edited by: JLS ]
>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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