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Old January 30th, 2003, 02:42 AM
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Default Re: The Funniest Canadian Joke.

Originally posted by David Gervais:
Originally posted by tbontob:
Ooops. David, I did not in any way mean to imply you friendless.

What I thought was funny was that you appeared to go out of your way to give the impression of being neither French or English and thereby find yourself shunned by righteous Frenchmen and Englishmen. Most significantly, you seemed to enjoy it.
First, I have 3 very good friends One see's no evil, one speaks no evil, and the other hears no evil. I try my best to make up for their shortcommings!

I, like every bilingual speaking person in Quebec find it both funny and sad that the extreme minority (unilingual french and english) of Quebec are strongly represented by both the dueling political parties but the majority (70%+) bilingual speaking people are always left in the wings. It's a shame how much energy and money is lost over something as trivial as language! Especially when there are so many other more important problems to be fixed like the health-care system!

Nuf said! Cheers!


I agree with you that it is unfortunate that language should be a divisive force among people.

IMHO, religion is a close second. Most Christian sects are in agreement on most of the fundamental tenants of Christianity. Until 9/11, it could be asserted that Christians disliked each other more for their differences (if the 'other' belonged to a diffent sect) than Muslims.

The 9/11 event seems to have escalated the dislike some people have against Muslims. I do wonder if the increased hatred expressed by some 'Christians' is really a shift in their focus from 'other Christians' to Muslims.

But enough of speculation and back to the topic.

It would seem that this would be an opportunity for a third political party to represent the 'bilingual' people of Quebec.

Why isn't one doing so?
Know thyself.

Inscription at the Delphic Oracle.
Plutarch Morals
circa 650 B.C.
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