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Old April 19th, 2004, 02:29 AM
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Fyron Fyron is offline
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Default Re: Adamant Mod Discussion Thread (v0.14.07 released!)

Adamant Mod has been upgraded to 0.14.02. You can get the patch here:

Adamant Mod Patch 0.14.02

Version 0.14.02 - 18 April 2004:
Note: Requires Facility Pack 12 and Component Pack 23 of Image Mod.
Files Altered: AI_Construction_Facilities.txt files, Components.txt, Facility.txt
1. Fixed - Fungal Torpedos now display the correct to hit bonus in their ability tags.
2. Fixed - Resupply Depots now have correct roman numerals.
3. Fixed - Level VIII radioactives facilies now require tech level 8 instead of 7.
4. Fixed - Radioactives Harvesting II is now Radioactives Harvester II.
5. Fixed - Long range scanning facilities now have correct roman numerals.
6. Changed - Concatenated descriptions of Corrosive Fungal Torpedos to get around SE4 ability tag text display once again.
7. Changed - Homeworld facilities now list the shields that they generate.
8. Added - Normal resource production facilities now use AI Tag abilities, so that the AI can build them instead of homeworld facilities.
9. Changed - Growth Chamber facilities now use image 481.
10. Changed - Many components use new images.
11. Changed - Viral Spore (the plague bomb for organic races) is now Plague Spore.
12. Changed - Spore Filter description now references Viral Spores instead of Mines.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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