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Old December 27th, 2002, 03:57 PM

Gryphin Gryphin is offline
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Default SE TDM FQM Install Method

I�m wondering:
1) Is this useful?
2) Does anyone else do this

I only play against the TDM. I only use FQM 2.x and all of the Image Mods I have one install where that is the �normal� when using the outstanding Mod Launcher. This has several advantages to me.
1) Any mods I create or use automatically use TDM and FQM
2) I don�t have to Load FQM 2.x Generate a map, Exit FQM and Load TDM. I can load Normal, generate a map and start to play
3) I can load the Gryphin Mod and select the opponents I want from TDM.

I also install TDM, FQM, and the Image mods to D:\mods\TDM, D:\Mods\FQM, D:\mods\Image\< appropriate folder> I then copy the contents of the folders to the appropriate locations so they are used. . I also copy and paste the content to my original install I am using for my one PBW game.
Advantages to me are
I reduce the risk of Overwriting important files
I reduce the risk of Installing races to the \picture\picture folder which I seem to be very good at doing.
To my mind this seems to keep things organized and easily updated when new Versions come out

Note: The Gryphin Mod is mostly a bunch of components I created using DavidG�s program. Some of the components require a �Gentlemen�s Agreement� (GA), on use. One of the GA is �Stealth Plating� which is available from the start. It gives the cloaking ability of Stealth Armor. You are restricted to using it only on unarmed Escort Size or smaller ships.

I hope all of this is clear.
I�m open to feedback and other ideas.
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