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The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
This is an AAR from Ermor's perspective of the Celebrities game.
The game itself had the following characteristics: - MA - 6 players - No diplomacy - Intermediate level (no newbie but no hard core vet either) - CBM 1.84 In the course of the game I got very interested by the strategic developments of this particular game, as well as some of its battles; so I started to record them for my own usage. Later I realized I would make great AAR resource, and I decided to polish my material to turn it into AAR. Note that the AAR has the following characteristics: - as I started by recording the main battles, it is mostly oriented towards analyzing them. However, each major battle originally had a "context" section summarizing the strategic situation; later on I fleshed these up with maps and more explanations to give more a feeling of a real AAR rather than a collection of battles. - by design decision I drafted the AAR thinking of complete newbies, that is, people, not knowing anything about D3. I also avoided speaking "gamey" so every thing is written like in a history book. But pictures should let understand that by "exceptionally skilled in astral magic" I mean, for example, Astral 5. - some text was written "on the spot", some later. When it is written later, I try to replace myself in the original context. - I will try to progress by small but regular bits (it takes time to re-encode the content for posting here) OK without further ad, here it comes... |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Year 1 of the Ascension Wars
Origins Ermor is the true heir of the earlier Ermor Empire, but it has been for ever marked by fool experiments in necromancy. The Death Cult, led by Thaumaturges, has taken control over the empire. http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/967...tiesaar001.png Mors Nihil Est, a great being of stellar rock taking the appearance of a wise Sphinx, has promised them to deliver them from the curse of Death: “Under my blessing, your injured bodies, going through Death as a second birth, shall become light and reunite with the Stars”. At this point he can already demonstrate his Godly powers over sacred Shadow Vestals blessed by Thaumaturges: when stroke with a lethal blow, the stars twist their fates and give them, in practice, a second life. In addition to demonstrating Mors Nihil Est’s divine nature, this power will prove useful to conquer the known world, a condition for the true divine power of the new God to reach their full extent. http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/8...tiesaar002.png Mors Nihil Est, “Death is Nothing”, holds tremendous Astral power (9) as well as impressive Earth power (5). A being of such supreme power had, obviously, made the previous Pantakrator jealous. For this reason, the Sphinx is now inert, his spirit imprisoned in an astral plane far away from this world. His awakening is close, and he can affect the world indirectly through his bless on Shadow Vestals as well as his Dominion, until he finds he way back to his physical incarnation. The Dominion of a Pretender God is the spiritual strength he exerts over the world of mortals. The dominion of Mors Nihil Est is exceptionally strong. The very strict daily rituals all his followers must respect create a society ruled by a severe sense of order, but somehow impacts negatively the production of goods. As a being of stellar nature, he can play with the fate within his dominion and he brings Luck to all his followers’ endeavors, as well as a slightly greater sense of the arcane dimension surrounding them. http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/5...tiesaar003.png Later, when he awakens, Mors Nihil Est will be able to affect the world more directly, mostly by spell casting. In particular, his powers will allow him summoning Granite Cyclopes, creating Golems, forging Crystal magical items and casting a wide variety of powerful Astral spells. The most powerful of those would turn him into the Nexus of Arcane Power of the whole world. Such a powerful spell requires a long preparation and must be used with caution, as it can cause all competing Pretenders to ally in a desperate crusade against him. But it may grant him the key to true Godhood. |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Emergence of an Empire
Spring and summer: set backs in early expansion In early summer, the first army sent by Ermor to conquer the world is made of Velites and Alea Legionnaire holding the centre, and Shadow Vestals on the left flank, ready to turn the enemy. http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7...tiesaar004.png The Thaumaturge commands over the Vestals and grants them Mors Nihil Est’s bless, Unholy Protection against Banishment and Unholy Power – which makes them move and attack at an unnatural speed. A Centurion commands over the infantry. This army conquers only one province before being defeated in mid-summer by a charge of knights, in the Glimmering Fields. One third of the troops are killed and the rest runs away. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/5...tiesaar005.png In late summer, a new army is sent to conquer the world, led by the Thaumaturge Sextus, with more Shadow Vestals and the first contingent of undead cavalry, a new specialty of Ermor’s armies. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7...tiesaar006.png The defeat of the first Ermorian army by the knights of the Glimmering Field is worrying Ermorian officials. It causes Ermor loosing the competition with other nations for expansion against independent fiefdoms and tribes. http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/3...tiesaar007.png Number of provinces controlled by the world’s nations; early fall in the year 1 of the Ascension Wars. Ermor (violet) is last, while Abysia (red) and Pangea (green) have twice more provinces. |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
looking forward to this.
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Wow, this level of detail will make for an impressive AAR. I'm looking forward to it as well. :)
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Immaculate and Valerius, thanks for the kind words.
Onward for an update. Not much happening yet, but the first serious encounters are close now... |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Fall and winter: new horizons, new ambitions
In fall, the mobilization of new armies led by Herminius and Terentius bears its fruit and three provinces are conquered, while most other nations stale or conquer only one or two more. In late fall, expansion continues at a good pace. Battalions of undead cavalry and infantry are victims of progressive attrition, but the Shadow Vestals resist well. Intelligence reports signs of an early war between Bandar Log and Abysia. Bandar Log’s territory is situated immediately in the South of Ermor’s zone of influence. A war between empires so early is surprising, while there are still many independent tribes and fiefdoms, which are much more accessible for conquest. Ermorian officers believe that the warring nations are doomed as they will predictably weaken each other. Ermor should follow the situation very closely to identify potential opportunities. In winter, Ermor has become a relatively large empire, 2nd next to Pangea only in number of provinces. The Empire reaches its natural border in the East, where the other side of the border is controlled by Pangea. In the South, signs of hostilities between Bandar Log and Abysia become clearer. Bandar Log has progressed deeply in Abysian territory, almost reaching the Abysian capital in a daring offensive, but Abysia lunches counter-offensives throughout the winter. In the West, Ermorian armies go beyond their natural borders and meet a small expansion force controlled by Agartha. It appears that neither Agartha nor Bandar Log have the means to control their natural borders, and Ermor plans to seize a few provinces in their zones of influence – without going too far as to not provoke a war escalation. Three provinces are conquered from the Agarthan sphere of influence throughout winter, and preparations are made to enter in Bandari territory as well. Abysia is preserved as Ermor cannot sustain expansionism in all directions, and Ermor wants Bandar Log to have a difficult time in their offensive war. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8...tiesaar008.png Strategic map in late winter. Ermorian armies expand into Agarthan territory in the West, Bandar Log has penetrated deeply in Abysian territory but was pushed back by an Abysian counter-offensive, natural borders with Pangea are reached in the East. |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Year 2 of the Ascension Wars
Spring and Summer: Expansion in the Abysian – Bandari frontline Overview of Bandar Log Bandar Log is an Indian buddhist-inspired nation of monkey and apes. Their light infantry may appear unimpressive but can swarm unprepared opponents, if rightly used. Their mages are weak but possess a tremendous astral power. http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/1...tiesaar009.png Overview of Abysia Abysia is a nation of semi-demonic nature based on fire and blood. Obviously, they possess a most powerful Fire magic, and their troops are almost all immune to flames. Some of their commanders can fight well on an individual basis as well. http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/3...tiesaar010.png Spring: The Abysian – Bandari war gives Ermor an opportunity for unchecked expansion The Abysian counter-offensive, led by the Anathemant Langoskepu, re-conquers lost territories and progresses towards Bandar Log. By mid-spring, the Abysian army has reached the “natural” border between both nations. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/9...tiesaar011.png Abysian army counter-attacking towards Bandar Log. In the meanwhile, Ermor has gained a foothold in the Bandari sphere of influence by conquering Batimor, a swampy province, where a fort is immediately being built to consolidate the position. Bandari armies were spotted in neighboring areas, but they seem not to care about Ermor’s modest intrusion. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/164...tiesaar012.png Geopolitical situation in the Bandari-Abysian frontline by the end of spring. Global situation By now, almost no independent tribe remains – except underwater ones – and all nations have defined their respective borders. Modest conquests in the spheres of influence of weaker neighbors allow Ermor to represent a slightly larger empire than its contenders. http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/5...tiesaar013.png The animation of undead cavalry gives Ermor an edge also in terms of army size. On this criterion as well as in terms of number of provinces, Pangea appears to be the most dangerous opponent. The impact of the Bandari – Abysian war appears clearly on this graph. http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/3...tiesaar010.png Summmer: Bandari intervention During early and mid-summer, more Bandari armies are seen moving to the Abysian frontline. Ermor develops a new war tool: the ability to enchant Mound Kings. These kings of past millennia will be the new generals of the Ermorian armies, freeing Thaumaturges to more arcane tasks than bringing battalions of undead cavalry to the front. They are too weak, however, to participate directly to battles. http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7...tiesaar015.png In late summer, Ermor conquers one more province South East of Batimor, advancing further into Bandari sphere of influence. But at the same time, Bandar Log finally reacts: a large army is dispatched to the key province of Batimor. http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/2...tiesaar016.png http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9...tiesaar017.png Bandari army in the swamp of Batimor, besieging the new Ermorian fort in Batimor. This army is mainly made up of a large quantity of ferocious and sacred Tiger Riders, blessed by a powerful Astral blessing, completed by minor Earth (reinvigoration) and Nature (regeneration) blessings. Monkey light infantry completes the Order of Battle. http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/6...tiesaar018.png All undead cavalry reanimated in Ermor, amounting to two full regiments led each by a Mound King and a battalion of Shadow Vestals, are sent to the neighboring province of Ephesibor to protect Ermor’s holdings in this area and fight back the Bandari army. http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/300...tiesaar019.png Order of Battle of the army sent from Ermor to the frontline The War for Fort Batimor is started, the first large scale military confrontation for Ermor. http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/2...tiesaar020.png Overview of Fort Batimor – swamp forts are weak, but the strategic location between three empires makes Fort Batimor quite strategic |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
Autumn: phony war against Bandar Log for Fort Batimor
Early autumn (18): encirclement of the Bandari army On early autumn, a large Ermorian army has gathered to fight against the impressive Bandari army. But the strategic situation is more impacted by a small army of Shadow Vestals led by the Thaumaturge Sextus, who had conquered a province East of the Ermorian fort in late summer. In early autumn, Sextus defeats a large group of tiny Markatas supported by a handful of Atavi archers in the province South of the Ermorian fort. http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2...tiesaar021.png http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1...tiesaar022.png Shadow Vestals, protected by the astral bless granted to them by Sextus, rout the Markata horde. At the same time, Abysia has re-conquered a lost province nearby, connecting he three empires. As a result, the mainstream Bandari army besieging Fort Batimor is now cut off and completely encircled. http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1...tiesaar023.png In Early Automn, the Bandari besieging army is surrounded on all sides as a result of Sextus’ bold moves and Abysian counter-offensive Mid- and late Autumn (19-20): a war of maneuver for nothing? Ermorian and Bandari main armies all conduct operations without engaging each other, while several skirmishes take place. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/5...tiesaar024.png Operations of mid-autumn The Bandari main army leaves a small force of Tiger Riders to conquer and occupy the fort in Batimor while the main group moves south to break the encirclement. Sextus attacks South the province immediately West of Bandar Log, but is defeated by a significant force of Tiger Raiders coming toward the front – he alone survives and escapes. At the same time, the main Ermorian army, led by the Thaumaturge Attilus, moves from Ephesibor to take back Batimor. A breach is immediately done in the walls of Fort Batimor, now controlled by Bandar Log. The next month, Attilus easily conquers back Batimor Fort, in spite of the brave resistance of the few Tiger Riders left as garrison. http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/4...tiesaar025.png Heroic but desperate resistance of Bandari Tiger Riders at the gate of Fort Batimor Following a season of skirmishes and maneuvers, the situation gets stabilized as both Ermor’s and Bandar Log’s attentions are called elsewhere by more urgent matters: the Abysian war for Bandar Log and a massive attack by Pangea on Ermor's Eastern provinces for Ermor. Throughout this first war, no major engagement took place in spite of the large armies mobilized, but Ermor consolidated its holdings in Bandar Log’s sphere of influence, with now two provinces controlled. http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5...tiesaar026.png Geopolitical situation by early winter. The Ermorian army moves North as a new threat emerges, while Bandar Log lunches a new offensive against Abysia. Ermor has protected her holdings in the area. |
Re: The Seven Year War of Ascencion, AAR from Celebrities from Ermor's POV
A quick comment from the Pangaean perspective. I was very worried about the growing strength of Ermor. I didn't feel that I was ready to take him on alone but also felt I couldn't afford to let him get stronger. So I attacked in the hope that it would prompt Agartha to launch an attack from Ermor's west.
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